Friday, February 25, 2011


Routines are interesting things. First off, everyone has a slightly different routine. One person may get up in the morning, and the first thing they do is brush their teeth (me). Or maybe the first thing they do is get in the shower. Whatever. In my family, our routines have changed since I got older. I guess they sort of had too. :)

When I was younger, bed time meant brushing my teeth. While I brushed my teeth, my mom would sing a song. It went:

"Brush brush brush your teeth,
Brush brush brush your teeth,
Brush brush brush your teeth,
So Ms. Jacki will be happy!"

Kind of silly, but it was fun. (Just in case you're wondering, Ms. Jacki was (and still is) my dental hygienist. She's the best.)

Another one of our original routines, as I remember, was after I had already gotten into bed. My parents would leave... then I would call them back in. "Daaaaaad... can you turn the fan on?" He'd come in, turn the fan on and tell me good night. Then I would call them in again... "Daaaaaaaaad... can you put my blanket on my bed with the scratchy side up?" He'd come in and fix my blanket and say goodnight. ( I don't think I used all of these every night. It must have been an interesting process putting me to bed :))

Then, just for kicks, I'd call again.
"Mooooooom..." She'd open the door, "I love you," I'd say. She'd answer "I love you, too." Then we'd go back and forth saying:

I love you to the moon!
I love you to the stars!
I love you to the sky!
I love you to heaven!
I love you to Jesus!
I love you to the top of Jesus's head!
Ok you win.
Goodnight Sammy.

We don't say that every night, but we still have a routine. Last night, when my dad was saying goodnight, he stepped out of the usual, "Good night, I love you," to something a little different.

"Be a positive influence on someone tomorrow. I love you."
I think that might be even better than the routine. :)

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